We Empower Independent Advisors to Live Their Dreams by Enabling Them To Provide Many of the Best Possible Financial Outcomes for Their Clients


Why HBW?

When I went through describing my value proposition, business uniqueness, etc. I chose to articulate my affiliation with HBW Advisory/HBW Partners in a very concise manner based on limited “Message Board” wording. My revelation, Barney you have created a brilliant business model that truly does offer an Independent Advisor to be independent and to allow each HBW advisor the flexibility and freedom to run their firm/business as they choose. You don’t me tell what I can and can’t do, what investments or investment platform I have to use, what software I have to use, what admin processes I have to use, etc. etc. etc. I can offer life insurance solutions… or not…. (Many advisor firms do NOT), I can do Financial Coaching under my RIA, (other advisory firms will NOT)… Taxes or NOT.. P&C or NOT… I can and do run my business the way I believe is most efficient, compliant and profitable.

HBW Advisory/Partners offers Freedom, Flexibility and Independence to any and every person who desires to be an Independent Advisor…

Thank you!!!
Kevin Imhoff, Lansing Michigan

We’re Independent


HBW's private ownership and independence allow us to offer solutions that maximize customer value, not shareholder value.

Our agent/advisors operate without the constraints of single-brand providers. And that provides the Client with a greater number of options and solutions to their financial needs.

You Own Your Business

We do not use non-compete clauses or captive contracts. Rather, your clients are your clients.

We’re Client Focused

Competition in financial services is good for the consumer. We believe our success can only come as a by-product of our advisors being totally client-focused.

It's our advisor's job to help their clients align their finances with their goals. HBW Partners does this by working with our advisors to create plans that their clients can actually stick to and execute.

CoupleGlassesHBW follows the movement of markets and competitive products closely and stays on the cutting edge of products and markets as a necessity to providing our advisors the tools their clients need to better their portfolios.

HBW does not believe a one-size-fits-all or single company approach fits most clients. Hence, we offer a broad array of and among the most competitive products available, and make certain that our associates are extensively trained in each and every one. But it’s not all work...

Client focus isn’t just about numbers and markets and future portfolios. It’s about showing the Client how financial planning can actually be a fun and engaging process. Because once there, the client-agent/advisor relationship can thrive and truly pay dividends...

HBW Advisor Characteristics

We’re passionate about building an agile thinking and diverse organization. In addition to keeping our associates fine-tuned and up-to-date on the latest and greatest financial products available, we’re also focused on magnifying your talent, and making sure you operate in your strength zones.

First, and not because the rules require it, they are true fiduciaries, always placing the needs of their clients and the people they serve above their needs. They do this, not only because it’s right, but because it is who they are. They know that if they take care of people, the law of reciprocity works, and they will be taken care of.

They are lifetime learners, always interested in enhancing their wealth of knowledge. They read, study, listen, discuss and acknowledge that they don’t know everything, but continually seek more knowledge. They are constantly trying to improve.

They take responsibility for their businesses and their lives. They tend to not make excuses or blame others for whatever may come. They are mentally tough. They recognize that our business is a marathon and not a sprint.

They surround themselves with people who are helpful and positive and uplifting and remove negativity and toxic people from their lives, including clients that are not a good fit. They are optimistic and forward-thinking and tend to be very happy and fulfilled.

They are genuine, authentic, always themselves. They are humble and grateful for their success, and don’t take it for granted, and do not place themselves above others, or talk down to people.

They are generous and are always seemingly anxious to help anyone where they can. This includes other advisors.

They tend to be creative, constantly looking for new ways to solve problems and help their clients.

They are very competitive, but not necessarily with others, but with themselves, always pushing themselves to get better and keep growing.

They are self-motivated and have tremendous discipline, willing to do the things that others are not willing to do. Willing to do whatever it takes ethically and morally to succeed.

They are bold and confident in their abilities but never cocky or arrogant. They are not shrinking violets. But they never put themselves above others.

They are not afraid to fail or make mistakes.  Theyn don’t like it, try to minimize them and learn from them, but accept them as part of the growth process.

They are compassionate and have a great deal of genuine empathy for people.

They are better than they think they are. They would be surprised and honored if someone would describe them with these comments.

While these attributes are what we all should strive for, remember that life/business is a journey. It is the striving and working and planning and dreaming that pushes us to our goals and dreams. Where we are at this time next year and the following years to come is, hopefully, a better and more improved version of where we are today.

Thanks for taking a few moments to learn more about HBW Partners. Click here so we can learn more about you!


Why become a series 65 Registered Investment Advisor Representative



"Random Acts of Kindness"

by HBW CEO Barney Hellenbrand

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Investment advisory services may also be offered through HBW Advisory Services LLC. HBW Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. dba HBW Partners and HBW Advisory Services LLC are separate entities which do not offer legal or tax advice. IAPD

HBW Advisory Welcomes
Collin Vaz

Collin Vaz

Born and raised in San Diego, Collin Vaz proudly follows in his father’s footsteps, continuing a family legacy of over 50 years helping clients navigate their financial futures.

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HBW Advisory Attains $1 Billion in Assets Under Management

May 26, 2021, Simi Valley, CA. Today at HBW Advisory Services LLC, we hit a significant milestone in reaching the $1 Billion mark in Assets Under Management (AUM). This achievement is the result of the great efforts of our extremely professional and diligent advisors in the field who consistently work to provide high-level fiduciary duties… Continue Reading

